Friday, May 14, 2010

Student Life - Term Paper

I've been quite busy with school work lately. How about you?

It's that time again when I need to write my final paper and wrap up what I have learned. Ugh! Term papers! I know that it is a necessary evil but who ever looks forward to writing them?  I am currently holed up in the computer lab on campus.  I'm well stocked with caffiene and sugar. I have a cup of piping hot coffee next to my mouse and a backup bottle of Diet Coke sitting next to my monitor. (The sugar is in the coffee)

I have music blaring into my earphones from my icloud account while I'm working on my paper. (If you are guy sitting next to me furiously typing away, sorry for the loud music and incessant toe tapping)

Ok, enough playing around on my blog. Time to dig in and concentrate on my term paper again.
Bye for now!

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