Tuesday, February 23, 2010

YouTube Video - Coming Right Up

It's now time for me to take the next step and learn more about this online world.

My next challenge to myself is to create a YouTube video. I've never made a video in my entire life so this is Definitely a Challenge. There's so many different choices when making a video. I'm not even sure where to start. Ok, granted, there needs to be a topic to the video. That's easy. I would love to do a video on cloud computing and try to explain on my level, a lay mans, what it means to me. It's just fascinating how complex the topic is and therefore why so many people don't grasp the basic concept.

So, I have my topic. I know what I want to say. I just have no idea have to convey that visually in a video. Wish me luck!

P.S. Please, please, please if you have any tips for a budding videographer, now's the time to send them my way.

P.P.S. Won't it be cool to have a video on YouTube and if it's halfway decent, I'll be sharing it with all my friends on icloud.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Grooveshark on icloud

I posted earlier about a cool widget I found but never really told you all anything about it.

By exploring my free icloud account I found Grooveshark, a free music streaming service. By signing up for a free account I was able to design my very own music widget. I've since come to appreciate Grooveshark for many other reasons. I've been reading up on Spotify lately and am happy I found Grooveshark first since Spotify would insert audio ads in my music and Grooveshark doesn't. It also seems that the range of music offered by Spotify is limited depending on which country you live in. I never had to consider that with Grooveshark since I access it through my icloud account with is available to me on any computer in the world. I like that I can be at the university computer lab, visiting friends and relatives or out travelling and still access my playlists of music. (There appears to be an endless amount of music available with Grooveshark!)

Any other Grooveshark fans out there?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Top Ten Misconceptions about Cloud Computing

Since it is so hard for me to verbalize my fascination with cloud computing and therefore clear up others misconceptions of cloud computing, I thought I'd publish a few key points from the article, Virtual Global Highlights Top Ten Misconceptions about cloud computing.

2. The cloud is not secure. Truth-be-told, in-house systems are often less secure, because they use unproven home-grown security models. Cloud applications developed with cloud platforms use a common security model, which lends additional security from the ground up; and cloud providers will often pay more attention to issues such as physical security and access controls.

6. It’s only for low-end consumer applications. Cloud computing has gained popularity in many consumer areas, but has also gained widespread acceptance in business applications, including productivity suites, online backup and storage, and collaborative environments; with applications of enterprise-class software already being delivered over the cloud.

Ok, that's enough blogging for today. I have real things to do like, studying and homework!

Are you a Gamer?

I'm not but my husband is. Thankfully he did not already own a gaming console before I met him and he has been quite understanding about my dislike of them. I don't mind him gaming but I think the consoles are a waste of money and you get locked into one console which can then sell you games at any price. He has therefore stuck to computer games he can purchase and play on the computer.

He'll be happy to hear that Cloud Computing is Poised to Transform Gaming.

My head is in the clouds today

My head is in the clouds today and guess what I found while floating around? There is actually a Cloud Computing World Series Awards! I laughed when I first saw it. Sounds a bit like baseball to me. Must be hard to hit clouds instead of baseballs. After I stopped laughing, I realized that this could be a really good thing. Think about it, someone(several people) will sit down and rate/judge all the different cloud computing companies out there. I don't have time to try them all out but I'm really enjoying my free account at icloud and hope to see it do well.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Do you have any concerns about being out in Cyberspace?

What to do? You want to be out in Cyberspace but worry about how much info to divulge. I think it's really hard to decide what to share with the online world and what would be better off not being shared.

I've decided not to publish personal details. What else should one do to protect oneself?

Give this article a look. It reviews the basics on how to protect you and yours while out there in the "social" realm. (Like me, blogging, twitter, etc..)

Any additional points you would add?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Follow up on a previous post - Loss of Photos

I was ranting 2 posts ago about how I have a tendency to lose things electronically and the latest being that all my pictures on my ipod have mysteriously disappeared. With the number of times I've rebooted and redownloaded itunes, I completely understand why they are missing but it's still irritating.

I've been playing around with my icloud account and finally feel free to upload all my photos for the final time. At least when my photos are stored on the net, I'll never have to worry about losing them again and I can access and use them no matter which computer I'm on. I was out on the web and found on an Indian website this writeup.


it provides a link directly to the article of interest for me:


The article talks about how iphone users will be able to use their icloud accounts over their iphones. Does this mean I'll have access to that as well on my ipod? That would be great to even have access to my photos via my ipod.

Yeah, never again will I have to reupload my photos!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

There is indeed a limit to how long each post can be!

Wow! I learned yet another new thing about blogging today - Keep it short or your post gets cut off. See, that would have been a good piece of free advice I would have appreciated hearing from you my blog readers(whoever you are) earlier.

Take this opportunity to chime in now with your best free advice you can think of for a new blogger!

Tired now, I'll finish the rest of the prior post tomorrow. Think of it as a cliff hanger:)

Feeling better

Since I'm feeling better, I thought I 'd update you on my latest find on the web about three products which are slowly growing on me.
1)My ipod
2)Cloud wifi finder

Believe it or not but I'm posting to this blog right now from my ipod. I'm loving the freedom of posting from my bed. Nice to get a few things off my mind before I call it a day.

So not only can I make my posts from my home wifi, I can post when I'm at university or at my local coffeehouse. The cloud wifi finder app is going to make it easier for me to locate the nearest wifi no matter where I am. Since this is not an iphone, I am a bit limited by finding wifi access before I can surf the web(or should I say cloud)

I don't know why but it always seems that I end up losing things electronically. Case in point- I went to look at all the adorable photos of my child saved onto my ipod. Guess what? They're all gone! Hundreds upon hundreds of photos I painstakingly upload from my home computer are gone!

Still sick....

I'm home sick again today. Can't quite seem to shake the fever. I promised myself this morning that I would be good today and stay off the computer - just rest. Not easy to do once the blogging bug bites ya!

So maybe I need to step it up today with pampering. I'm defrosting some homemade carrot and lentil soup from the freezer for lunch since I found I wasn't up to doing any cooking yesterday. I ate cereal and bananas yesterday because they were on hand and required NO cooking.

I would prefer chicken noodle soup but I need a good recipe. Any tried and true recipes for a good chicken noodle soup out there that you'd like to pass my way?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hello....Anybody out there?

I'm new to blogging so I'm just wondering at what point I stop talking to myself.

Hint, hint...Please post a comment!

Speaking of music

Speaking of music, what websites would you recommend for listening to free music? Is that possible(legally) or is everything for a fee these days?

Just wondering. A bit of stream-of-consciousness from me in my blogging today. :)

I'm Freezing!

Not so much fun to be home sick. No matter how many layers of clothing and blankets I have on, I can't seem to warm up. My hands are soooo cold, I'm wearing gloves while typing this. Thanks for listening to my moaning.

PS Having fun uploading all my music to my icloud account. Right now I'm in a James Taylor frame of mind. Nice and easygoing for a day at home.

What are you listening to?

Home Sick - Time to try out icloud

Hi Everyone!

I'm home sick with a fever today. Not feeling my best but what better time to blog and play around on the computer. Now, I have plenty of time to look into yesterday's topic - cloud computing. I've opened an account(by the way, free)with icloud but haven't had much time to dig in and play with it before today. So, what better thing than to lounge around on the couch with the laptop today and see how the cloud is going to be of help to me.

Anyone else tried this out yet?

Monday, February 8, 2010

A formal definition of Cloud Computing

All I can say is that if you follow this link and read the article that gives their definition of cloud computing, you'll understand why it's a bit hard to wrap your mind around the entire concept and why my definition was a bit vague.

Hubby's Suggestion - Cloud Computing

I guess my husband has heard me bitch enough about the topic of my previous post because this weekend he said I should look into cloud computing.

I don't know about you but I've never heard that term before and didn't know what the heck he was talking about. Even after he explained, I'm still not sure I understand exactly what it is. I've googled the term and read a bit about it and the best way for me to describe it is to say: It is the answer to my problems!

Basically, cloud means internet and cloud computing means I can do everything I would normally do on my home computer on a "web computer". The benefit being that I have everything saved on the web and therefore access to all my files from ANY computer.

I've opened accounts with 2 different companies on the web and plan to give them a go. I'll let you know how it goes.

Anyone already given this a go themselves?

Insight-The more things change, the more they remain the same

Ok, now that I'm a student again, I find that things have changed. When I use the computer labs at the local university, I no longer take a floppy disk with me but a memory stick.

YET, I still seem to have the same problem. I never seem to have the latest version of my files on the memory stick. It's really hard to remember to save my latest changes not only on my hard drive but also on my memory stick. (Of course I save my files constantly while in the middle of working on them. If you've ever lost information due to hopping around in many programs and windows simultaneously, you'll understand my point)

I've tried to solve this problem by emailing my files to myself so that when I'm at the computer lab or at home, my files are available to me. Well, I realize this is completely crazy thinking but when desperate, I try to improvise.

I always feel like I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time. Whenever I'm in the computer lab, I'm wishing I was home and vice versa since I never seem to have what I need when I want it.

What about you?

New Week - New Beginnings ( Go Saints!)

Looks like I'm not the only one with a new beginning lately. Go Saints!


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Looky what I found!

This widget is free and allows me to listen to my favorites. The 80's!

ILounge - Forbes #1 pick for a music blog

I figured since Forbes made good reccomendations about online technology, I'd check to see what their reccomendation for a music blog would be.

It's ILounge.com! See, I own one of their products and didn't even know about this blog before.

Now that I'm back in school, it just makes sense to learn as much as I can while I have the time. Now I plan to spread my wings again and dive in head first in my thirst for broadening my horizons in the virtual, online world.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Forbes Best of the Web Technology Blogs

When deciding what I should be reading to stay current, I figured I'd check with an expert.  The four blogs listed to the side made the top 4 of Forbes Best of the Web Technology Blogs.


As always, please feel free to put your two cents in and let me know who you like to follow online.

Blog help

Obviously I'm new to blogging so I thought I might find some helpful info out there in the virtual world.  I found a really good article about building a blog.

How Blogs Work

Maybe it can be of use to other new, start up bloggers. :)

I've gone Twitter!

I thought it might be cool to have a link to my new Twitter account on this blog but as you can see, I haven't quite figured Twitter out yet.

I thought following the category, "geek" might be a good start toward gathering more info on the latest and greatest goings on in the online world.

Can anyone tell me how to fix my Twitter feed? I'm also open for categories to follow on Twitter.


Friday, February 5, 2010

Ipod Touch

I bought an Ipod last summer.  The initial reason was to help me get in shape and get over the excuse of "it's too boring" to go for a walk all by my lonesome on a regular basis.  I bought one ebook and some music but didn't use it very often until my husband starting borrowing it.

I've now discovered the lovely world of YouTube.  What a great way to be entertained on-the-go!  My son loves it too.  Always wants to see the babies laughing hysterically.

Anyway, that was my first introduction to apps(application). I want to get the most out of my Ipod.

I just found this cool link:

 Do you have any recommendations on a fun app?

Hello Brave New World

Hello everyone out there on the web!

My name is Rose and I am challenging myself to brave the new world of the internet.  Ok, not soooo new, but with it being a quickly changing environment, I don't feel I've quite kept up with the changes.

I'm taking some basic computer courses at the local university.

This blog is just the start.

Join me on my journey!