Monday, March 1, 2010

I've been thinking alot about what I'd like my upcoming icloud video to say, therefore, instead of recreating the wheel, I thought I'd look around and see what others have to say about icloud. At, (yes, that is the actual name of the blog!)they did an amazing job of explaining who, (people like you and me), and why one would use icloud. (Other than the fact that I've already told you it's great.)

"This type of free online computer is good for people who spend lots of time on the internet, browsing and chatting and want to avoid the pain of having viruses, spyware, malware. Since the operating system is contained in your browser and maintained by icloud you don’t need to worry as much about viruses or keeping your system up to date. You can also use it on any computer which makes it very handy if you need access to a familiar workspace from someone else’s computer."

In a more technical way it also states...

"Since the OS(operationg system) and its applications executes in the browser it also works offline. The Internet OS(operating system) boots itself (takes around 3 seconds) and runs in the primary memory of the computer. As soon as the browser is shut down, the OS disappears from the computer. Using XIOS/3 you never have to think about installing patches, updates or new versions of software again. The OS updates itself. You may also access your applications and documents from any Internet connected computer."

This gives me a little food for thought.

Any iclouders out there that want to fill me in on their favorite experiences on icloud?

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