Monday, March 8, 2010

Finally, cloud computing from a student's perspective

I've been doing a lot of research lately on cloud computing but can't say I have come across too many articles written from a student's perspective. Cloud Computing Education Taken to the Next Level addresses why a student benefits from cloud computing.

A student these days is dependent upon a computer. Whether it is their own laptop or the university's computer lab, every student needs access to a computer and can't always afford to keep up with all the costs and hassles associated with owning and maintaining a computer.

"What Benefits Does Cloud Computing Have on Education?

It is no wonder why students find themselves in a bind. Not only do they have to worry about student loans and purchasing books, but they also have to spend hundreds of dollars on computer software in order to complete their assignments and prevent their computer from failing on them. With this in mind, cloud computing education allows computer users to use desired applications without the necessity of purchasing the software, the frustration of installing it or the hassle of taking up computer memory with support software. Through different cloud platforms like Software as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service and Platform as a Service, cloud computing is made possible.

Considering the money saved through these cloud applications, most speculate that the largest benefit that cloud computing has on education is its economic factor. Instead of purchasing software and infrastructures, renting prices are determined by how often and how many services are being used. All software and data are stored in a remote host which enables computers to free up space while also being accessible at any time for users. Considering the amount of resources that cloud computing offers, users can find just about any type of infrastructure, service or software that they need. This helps to cut costs for educational institutions or any type of organization or business that uses cloud computing since these organizations will no longer have to purchase expensive software for an individual or a limited small number of employees and students."

This article does a good job explaining why I use icloud. I let icloud take over all the hassles and I just get the benefits of a free online computer. Very economical for me. I'll probably need to upgrade to their premium account with 100GB eventually but I already know it will be worth every penny!

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